The zodiac sign of Virgo in Vedic Astrology may have some characteristics that you haven’t heard before. Do you know someone who is skilled, talented, helpful, detail-oriented, and funny too? If so, they probably have a “self” planet in the sign of Virgo.

The Sign of Virgo in Vedic AstrologyThe Gift of Virgo

If you have planets in the sign of Virgo, especially if you have Mercury in Virgo, the gift you give to the world is your ability to do just about anything. You do it well and take it to the next possible level of refinement.

We all know who to go to whenever we need something done – a Virgo, of course!

Virgo people anticipate future needs (especially anything that can go wrong) and factor that in when handling any project.

VIDEOS Part 1 & 2 (BELOW) on the sign of VIRGO

Neeshee Pandit and I continue our evergreen series on the signs in the VIDEOS below. In this two-part series, we discuss VIRGO in depth. We discussed the points below and some of the other characteristics of VIRGO, such as the Guna and Dosha.

Understanding Virgo’s motives take the sting out of their perceived criticism.

Virgo’s sign concerns the Guna & Dosha of a sign, something unique to Vedic astrology.

The Symbol of Virgo

The Sign of Virgo in Vedic AstrologyThe symbol for Virgo is a prepubescent girl. Here is the description of Virgo from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra:

“Living in the mountains is the Girl sign, who, endowed with strength during the day, is front rising, medium limbed, two-footed, moving in the south with grain and fire, a Vaishya, stormy, young, connected with Tamas, existing in children and ruled by Mercury.” – Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, 4 – Rasi Characteristics, 13-14

Virgo Rules the Hips

Virgo rules the top of the hipbone down to the insertion point of the femur, including the girdle area where the intestines are and the large intestine – the most crucial organ of purification. The lumbar region of the spine also falls here. Purification is the work of Virgo, yet it also has the highest potential for sluggishness.

Mercury Rules Virgo

Mercury is ‘exalted’ in the sign of Virgo because Mercury is the planet of skills, and Virgo is full of “know-how.” Virgo’s sign is Mercury’s feminine expression (Gemini is Mercury’s masculine expression). Mercury is balanced.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Mercury represents a good-looking person? It’s because of Mercury’s balance and symmetry in that person’s features. The earth element contains fire, water, and air, and this makes it balanced.

Earth signs represent the real world, and Mercury exalted in Virgo and is the most powerful planet of manifestation.


The SIgn of Virgo in Vedic AstrologyHAPPY BIRTHDAY, VIRGO!

Schedule your Yearly Birthday Consultation (Varshaphala) and discover the THEME for your birthday year. What the training periods are and the pleasurable and carefree times of the year.

FIND OUT if it is one of the most significant years of your life. You will receive a Muhurta Report as a Bonus if you mention this article.

A Muhurta is how you choose the best time to start something important such as getting married, beginning a writing project, or starting a mantra practice.

Your birthday is your Personal New Year’s Day. The day before your birthday is your Personal New Year’s Eve and is a more important time to form resolutions, goals, and affirmations.

If you get only one astrology reading a year, Yearly Birthday Consultation (Varshaphala) is the one to get!

It’s also a thoughtful Birthday Gift for the VIRGO in your life.

VIRGO is a Gentle Female Sign

Feminine signs are gentle because they are concerned more with enjoying life and ‘being’ rather than with getting things done. They are receptive and responsive, and their actions depend on how they feel.

The better the sign of Virgo feels, the better it does. Virgo feels good being useful.

Difficult planetary combinations in Virgo indicate pain and misery that is held within and hurts itself rather than hurting others. Gentle Virgo is always ready to be a part of the betterment of others.

VIRGO is of the Earth Element

The earth element is reliable, stable, and grounded. Therefore, the mentality of Virgo is rational and arrives at understanding through logic. Rationality leads to good common sense, sound judgment, and reasonable actions.

Virgo uses reason to understand problems and develop strategies to overcome and prevent problems. Down-to-earth and blessed with common sense, Virgo is practical and knowledgeable in applying its rationality.

In horary astrology, the planet representing a lost object in the earth element indicates that the thing represented by a planet is on the ground or at ground level.

The dual nature of Virgo means the object in question is “inside” of something, usually between books and covered by papers or inside of a box.

The SIgn of Virgo in Vedic AstrologyThe Caste of VIRGO is Vaishya (Merchant)

Caste is temperament (not social hierarchy), and Brihat Parashara considers Virgo to be of the Vaishya caste. Vaishyas want to gain from their skills and make progress in life.

Virgo wants gains to provide for the inevitable difficulties of the future. What Virgo wants is to progress to overcome the pains of life.

Vaishyas wish to master their craft, whatever it may be, and Virgo handles the details that bring any project together in the end.

VIRGO is Day Strong and Front Rising

Vigorous during the day, day strong signs get energized by bringing things into concrete realization. Front-rising signs rise over the eastern horizon with their fronts first.

Signs that are front-rising have an easy time bringing their tasks to practical manifestation as they are full of know-how.

Virgo has the skills and abilities with which to fulfill its duties. The day-strong and front-rising characteristics are unique to the sign of Virgo in Vedic Astrology.

VIRGO is Two-Footed

The two-footed signs are adaptable but not very strong; their strength is in their ability to adapt. Virgo is a two-footed human. The two-footed signs are especially interested in the first house matters of thinking and following one’s true nature and path.

Two-footed signs are least interested in the 7th house matters of maintaining partnerships, which is why Venus is weak in the sign of Virgo.

The Color of Virgo is Scintillating

The ‘color’ of Virgo is scintillating, which means it shimmers and can be any color. Cat’s Eye gemstones are Virgo stones, for instance. The quality of scintillating or shimmering makes it a Virgo color. We talk about this in the videos below.


**To get an Ayurveda Consultation with Neeshee, contact him on


The Sign of Gemini in Vedic Astrology (the other Mercury-ruled sign)

VIDEO: The Sign of Virgo Part 1:

VIDEO: The Sign of Virgo Part 2: