This video is Part 1 in a three-part series on Marriage-Preventing Yogas and how they affect relationships and marriage. This video tutorial is 11:10 minutes long. Below is the cleaned-up video transcript to make it easier to read.

Introduction to Marriage-Preventing Yogas

Hi, this is Karen White, Divine Time Astrology. Last month, I made a horary video of the question, ‘If I marry again, what will the marriage be like?” and the horary chart showed that it would be a very negative experience for her. At the end of the video, I said, if you do horary relationship charts for the same person over time, and they’re consistently negative, look at the birth chart to see what else is happening because the querent might have a Marriage-Preventing yoga.

Presenting the First of Three Marriage-Preventing Yogas

I am presenting the first of three videos showing three Marriage-Preventing Yogas. I’m using the Tropical Zodiac here, which means you can use these in your practice, too, if you’re a Western astrologer. You’ll see that these Yogas work reliably.

Now, the thing about the name of these yogas is that they don’t always actually prevent marriage, but they do tend to end marriages, depending on other factors in the chart. So, they’re like divorce yogas for early-in-life marriages.

The First Marriage-Preventing Yoga: 5th and 7th House Lord Placements

The first Marriage-Preventing Yoga is when the 5th Lord is in the 7th, or the 7th Lord is in the 5th house. This is a very common combination of planets, and it can deny marriage, though people often get married when they have it. However, it tends to disrupt the marriage and bring it to an end. The only exception is Mars as the 5th Lord in the 7th for Cancer Rising. That might be because for Cancer Rising, the 5th Lord, Mars, in the 7th house of Capricorn, is exalted.

Impact on Romantic Relationships

Natives with this Marriage Preventing Yoga tend to be sexually passionate and fall in and out of love quite quickly, and my clients who have this, when I’ve asked them about this, tend to agree that that’s true.

If the native is in a relationship when the planetary MahaDasa or Bhukti (the primary period and sub-period rulers) of the planets involved in this yoga is running, they often fall in love with someone else. Though, as you’ll see, it’s not always the native that falls in love with someone else. Sometimes, their partner does.

Jennifer Aniston: A Case Study of This Yoga

Image to show Jennifer Aniston's birth chart and her Marriage Preventing YogaHere is Jennifer Aniston’s birth chart. I’ll show you what happened when she and Brad Pitt broke up. I’m using the South Indian chart, which you read in a clockwise direction.

How to Find This Yoga in the Birth Chart

The diagonal line indicates the first house, and I’ve added a large red numeral so you can see it. You count to the 5th house from the first house, which in Jennifer’s chart is the sign of Aquarius. Saturn rules Aquarius, and Saturn is here in the 7th house. She and Brad Pitt divorced during her Moon/Saturn Dasa (time period).

Her Moon/Saturn Dasa began September 23, 2004, and it wasn’t because Jennifer fell in love with someone else; it was because Brad Pitt did. That was the scandal between him and Angelina Jolie. Jennifer has a few other things besides this Marriage Preventing Yoga here that also make marriage very difficult for her. Venus, the natural ruler of marriage, is in the 7th house between two cruel planets. One way of saying this is that Venus is ‘besieged’ by two cruel planets.

A person can still marry when older, age (36 or later) with this yoga if the 7th house is aspected by a benefic planet. Now, the aspects are the Jaimini sign aspects. The regular aspects show Jupiter’s aspect in the 7th house, but we’re not using that one.

The Role of Jaimini Aspects in This Yoga

The Jaimini sign aspects are when the dual signs aspect only each other, and the fixed signs aspect the movable signs, and vice versa, except for the sign right next to it.

So, here Mars in Scorpio, a fixed sign, aspects Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer, but it doesn’t aspect Libra, which is right next to it, and Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra are the movable or the cardinal signs, and it goes the other way around too, and that is the cardinal movable signs aspect only the fixed signs. So, the planets here in Aries sign aspect Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo, but not Taurus because it’s right next to it.

The only planets that sign-aspect the 7th house are Mars (not a gentle planet), the Sun, and Mercury. The Sun is a cruel planet, and Mercury is a cruel planet because it takes on the nature of the planet that it’s with.

Jennifer Aniston’s Second Marriage and Rahu’s Influence

Image of Jennifer Aniston's birth chartIt looks like marriage is probably not the path to fulfillment for her. Okay, now here is her second marriage with Justin Theroux. Their relationship broke up during her Rahu-Rahu Dasa, and Rahu is in her 7th house.

Rahu gives the results of Saturn, and it’s with Saturn, the 5th house lord. So, it brought that relationship to an end for her, too.

Donald Sutherland: Multiple Marriages Due to This Yoga

Image of Donald Sutherland's birth chartI did a video about Donald Sutherland a couple of months ago or so, showing why he was an actor. I’m using his chart again because he has this Marriage-Preventing Yoga. Counting clockwise from his first house, we get to Capricorn here, which rules his 5th. So, that’s Saturn, and Saturn is in the 7th house.

Donald was married three times. He married for the first time during his Jupiter/Jupiter Dasa, which makes sense because Jupiter rules the partner’s 7th house. This marriage lasted from 1959 to 1966 and ended during his Jupiter/Venus-Dasa. Jupiter rules the 7th, so it’s involved in this yoga.

Jupiter-Venus Dasa: A Period of Relationship Challenge

Image showing Donald Sutherland's planetary time periods of his relationshipsVenus is the natural ruler of marriage. He has it here in the Ascendant sign-aspecting his 7th house. Even if a person doesn’t have this Marriage-Preventing yoga, if they’re married during their Jupiter-Venus-Dasa or their Venus-Jupiter-Dasa, this Dasa can bring a relationship to an end. The couple will probably stay together if they make it through this Dasa.

But in Donald’s case, it was because of this yoga. His second marriage ended in 1966, during the Jupiter-Venus Dasa, and in 1970, during his Jupiter-Moon-Dasa.

His spouse planet, the Darakaraka, the planet at the lowest degree, is Mercury, which is in the sign of Cancer. The sign of Cancer is sign-aspected by its ruler, the Moon. That helps him to get married (because it lends strength to that house), but in this case, it also helps to bring the marriage to an end.

Then he had a relationship with Jane Fonda from 1970 to 1972, which ended in 1972. They weren’t married, so this doesn’t apply to this yoga. Finally, his last marriage, which lasted until his death, was in the Jupiter-Rahu Dasa.

Marriage After Saturn Maturity & Exception to Yoga

They got married in 1972 when he was 36 years old. Saturn matures at the age of 36. Plus, he does have an exception to this yoga, and that is that the seventh house is sign-aspected by a gentle planet, Venus, in this case. You can marry later in life if you have a gentle planet sign-aspecting the 7th house.

After he got married, he entered his Saturn Dasa, which usually ends a marriage with this Marriage-Preventing Yoga (because Saturn is the 5th lord in the 7th), but he had reached the age of 36. He had matured a lot from his previous marriages and relationships.

Hope for Those with a  Marriage-Preventing Yoga

So, if you have this yoga and a benefic gentle planet sign-aspecting either the seventh or the fifth, then don’t despair. You could still marry, but it’s unlikely to be before the age of 36. I’m not sure, but it’s also possible that a Jupiter transit to the 7th house could help you marry during a marriage season, as shown by the planetary dasa and the Jaimini sign dasa. I’ll see if I can find some charts where this happened.

Client Case Study: Divorce After Husband’s Retirement

image of vase with wilting flowersI have one client who was married for over 20 years and raised four children with this yoga. Another characteristic of this yoga is that it’s supposed to prevent children or cause problems with them, but Donald Sutherland has four children, I think, total, and they’re fine.

They’ve made it to adulthood. They’re alive. They all work in the film industry, too.

Now, this client of mine who was married for over 20 years and raised four children with this yoga, her husband was a long-haul trucker. He was gone three weeks out of every month, and it wasn’t until her husband retired that they divorced. It wasn’t because she met someone else and fell in love. It was because he was verbally abusive (which is not automatically a part of this yoga).

Stay Tuned for More on Marriage-Preventing Yogas

The video for the next Marriage-Preventing yoga will be uploaded soon. Until next time, thank you!


Horary Astrology: ‘If I marry (again), what will marriage be like?

What is Vedic Jaimini Astrology?

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