Venus in Pisces & Love Horary Chart
If you’ve ever wondered how an ex is feeling about you and you’re still not over that ex, horary relationship astrology is incredibly helpful. Horary relationship astrology is for helping you heal and move on. A common question is, ‘Is he feeling the same, when will I get over him?’
The Sun just entered Pisces, and Mercury and Saturn have been in Pisces for a while. Venus is now in Aries but will retrograde and transit back into Pisces on April 13th and back into Aries again May 1st (2025).
Venus in Pisces powerful and “exalted” in Pisces, which is the sign that Venus can express itself the best.
Sometimes, however, in Horary astrology, Venus in Pisces can represent a state of mind based on an ideal, or something not realistic.
The Romantic Dream
If an ex-lover returns to you, or you sense he-she is thinking about you, exaltation is probably involved. Exaltation is a sincere feeling, but it’s based on an idealized version of you, or of love, and is not built to last.
In horary relationship astrology, this state of exaltation in love is typical at the beginning of a new relationship. Also when feeling nostalgic about a past love.
If you are newly in love, enjoy this heightened feeling because it’s a very romantic experience that doesn’t last forever (if it did, we would get nothing done in life!)
This woman had ended a relationship with an unavailable man and was wondering if he was feeling what she was feeling. She mostly wanted to know when she was going to get over him. She asked this Horary question:
“What is he feeling about me right now & when will I get over him?”

Relationship Horary Astrology Chart
She is Venus in this chart, as the person asking the question is always the ascendant ruler. Venus represents her as a thinking person and as a woman who wants a mate (because it’s Venus).
Venus represents the querent as a woman only because this is relationship horary astrology. She also gets the Moon to represent her feelings.
The person she is asking about is the 7th house ruler, in this case, Mars.
Mars represents him as a thinking-feeling person. Since he is a man, he also gets the Sun to represent the part of him that is sexually attracted to a particular woman. This is only in relationship questions that the man also gets the Sun to represent the sexual side of him. Mars never represents the man as a sexual being only the Sun in relationship horary astrology.
The relationship itself is represented by Jupiter arrived at by calculating the Arabian Part of Marriage (Ascendant + Descendant – Venus). In this chart, that came out to 22 Sagittarius 02..
As we can see, her planet, Venus, is in the sign of Pisces, and his two planets, Mars and the Sun, are also in the sign of Pisces.
In Love with Love
He “exalts” her as a person and as a woman. Exaltation is his distilled memory of her, and his romantic dream of the perfect woman.
She, too, likes him a lot, as Mars has a lot of strength (by Triplicity) in the sign of Pisces. But, she is not in love with him, nor does she exalt him. The feeling of being adored, or exalted, by him, is what she misses.
She senses that he misses her (I see this intuitive connection between people all the time in horary relationship astrology ). This is why she “exalts” herself – she feels good about herself as a woman when she remembers him.
The Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the relationship itself. Her feelings show that she loves the relationship, the romance, and the fun more than she loves him. Jupiter also rules the 5th house of fun and romance. While she likes him a lot, she’s more in love with love.
The Romantic Dream Ends
As you can see, both his planets, Mars and the Sun, will go into the sign of Aries next. The exaltation of Venus will then abruptly end.
In Horary astrology, Venus is in “detriment” in the sign of Aries, showing that he gets over her. Mars, his main planet, is in its “home” sign of Aries, and the Sun, him as man, is “exalted” in the sign of Aries.
He will not continue to feel the same way about her and will be concerned solely with himself. Mars in its own sign and the Sun exalted in Aries, in his house, the 7th.
Unfortunately, she will sense this when it happens too. Her planet, Venus, will enter the sign of Aries next, where she will be “ruled” by him. She will be missing him, loving him, as a person and exalting him as a man. The boost to her feminine self-esteem is gone.
Venus, in detriment in the sign of Aries, indicates she will feel unattractive as a woman and powerless to win him back. The Moon opposes Jupiter in the near future, the 5th house ruler and ruler of the relationship itself. This is another way the chart shows their separation.
She Gets Over Him
Luckily, Aries is a moveable or cardinal sign, which means that her feelings for him will be intense but short-lived.
When Venus leaves Aries and goes into the sign of Taurus, the “home” sign of Venus, she will no longer love him (Mars is in detriment in Taurus). Venus in Taurus is utterly indifferent to him as a man (the Sun has no power in Taurus).
Taurus is a fixed sign, so she will finally be “over” him romantically and concerned only with herself. Though she loved the attention and romance, she had been suffering for months over his long-term unavailability. I did several Horary charts for her about this relationship over those months.
And that’s what happened. A couple of months after she asked this question, she was no longer interested in him or the relationship. She was over him.
If there is someone in your past you can’t get over, get the Vedic Compatibility Report and see if you are ‘magnetically attracted,’ or if you have the other ‘wow’ factor of ‘Mahendra’ in your compatibility. Knowing if you do helps to explain so much and helps to break the spell.
Discover if his Vedic Male Relationship Capacity had something to do with why it didn’t work out.
Usually, if a relationship doesn’t work out, it’s because the man is not able to do the right thing by the woman. Not always, sometimes timing is an issue (get the Ready for Love reading to find out if that is the case).
Or, if you pushed love away somehow, your Vedic Female Relationship Capacity report will explain exactly how to nurture yourself to prevent that from happening again in the future.
Venus in Pisces Not Only Romantic Love
Whether you are in love right now or longing for a lost love, Venus in Pisces is a great time to focus on your spiritual practices. Especially if you are a woman, to increase your inner peace, radiance, and healthy self-love. Pisces is about surrender, taking life as it comes, and going with the flow.
For men and women, receiving unconditional love from the divine (what Pisces is about) makes it possible to love another human without illusion or disappointment in their imperfections.
Plus, when Venus is in Pisces, it’s a great time to write or read poetry, read science fantasy, study astrology, or buy beautiful clothes, shoes, vehicles, beds, and bed linens!
Get the Ready for Love Consultation to learn everything you need to know to have a fulfilling and satisfying love life (or if you’d be much happier single), including remedies and timing. We can look at past, present, and potential future relationships, too if you have the birth information of your partner. You get a free relationship horary question with this reading.
If you’ve already had the Ready for Love reading, you can get a Follow-Up Support Session for up-to-date transit and timing information on relationships or any other concerns in your life. You get a free horary question on any topic with this reading.
Or, you can get an email Horary Consultation (on any topic) that I will do for you within a day or two (no appointment required).