by Karen White | Feb 28, 2025 | Blog, Horary Astrology Examples, Relationship Astrology, The Signs of the Zodiac
Venus in Pisces & Love Horary Chart If you’ve ever wondered how an ex is feeling about you and you’re still not over that ex, horary relationship astrology is incredibly helpful. Horary relationship astrology is for helping you heal and move on. A...
by Karen White | Feb 22, 2025 | Blog, Relationship Astrology, Self-Knowledge & Personal Growth
One Valentine’s Day awhile ago, I had been anticipating and expecting Godiva chocolates. In my imagination, I could taste and smell them and see the beautiful gold box they come in. A Wrong-Shaped Surprise On that day, my poor husband, the sacrificial...
by Karen White | Sep 30, 2024 | Blog, Horary Astrology Examples, Relationship Astrology, Yogas
This video is Part 1 in a three-part series on Marriage-Preventing Yogas and how they affect relationships and marriage. This video tutorial is 11:10 minutes long. Below is the cleaned-up video transcript to make it easier to read. Introduction to...
by Karen White | Aug 19, 2024 | Blog, Horary Astrology Examples, Relationship Astrology, VIDEOS
A female querent asked this marriage Horary question: ‘ If I married (again), what would the marriage be like?’ To marry or not to marry is a major life decision, and questions about marriage are common, though the circumstances surrounding it are...
by Karen White | May 24, 2024 | Blog, Jupiter, Planetary Transit Astrology, Self-Knowledge & Personal Growth, The Moon, The Signs of the Zodiac, Uncategorized
This astrological forecast article is different because it’s about transiting Jupiter in Gemini and what that means from your natal Moon sign. When and for How Long Jupiter will move into the sign of Gemini on May 26, 2024, and stay there until June 10, 2025....
by Karen White | May 23, 2024 | Blog, Horary Astrology Examples, Relationship Astrology, VIDEOS
The horary question astrologers get most about relationships is, ‘Is there a future in this relationship?’ Here, it’s expressed as, ‘Will he come back, and will we be good together?’ In the horary question I’m discussing...
by Karen White | Mar 29, 2024 | Blog, Relationship Astrology, VIDEOS
Many clients ask about their partners, ‘Why were we attracted to each other?’ Besides the Vedic Compatibility technique, based on the lunar nakshatras, I’m looking at ‘attractor factors,’ the similarities and symmetries between couples’ charts. This couple has...
by Karen White | Mar 28, 2024 | Blog, Relationship Astrology, VIDEOS
You’ve probably seen videos and articles using the Vedic Compatibility Technique, one of the best compatibility techniques in existence, whether Eastern or Western. But here, I want to show you some fascinating similarities and symmetries between couples...
by Karen White | Mar 26, 2024 | Blog, Relationship Astrology, VIDEOS
You’ve probably seen a lot of videos using the Vedic Compatibility Technique, which is one of the best compatibility techniques I’ve ever studied, whether Eastern or Western. But here I just want to show you some very interesting similarities and...
by Karen White | Nov 28, 2023 | Blog, Jupiter, Self-Knowledge & Personal Growth, The Signs of the Zodiac
What does it mean that Sagittarius’s sign is two-footed and four-footed? It creates an odd mental image, right? What does this have to do with fiery spiritual passion? The Signs and Footedness In Vedic astrology, Sagittarius is represented by a man on a horse,...