heart shaped flower chocolate box topOne Valentine’s Day awhile ago, I had been anticipating and expecting Godiva chocolates. In my imagination, I could taste and smell them and see the beautiful gold box they come in.

A Wrong-Shaped Surprise


On that day, my poor husband, the sacrificial lamb to my romantic dreams, handed me this package wrapped very beautifully, but it was the wrong shape. It was this cylinder shape instead of that little gold box shape.

Somewhere, there had to be music playing, the kind that plays in horror movies just before someone is killed.

I opened the cylinder and I saw M&Ms, very pretty M&Ms in a dark chocolate color covered in an iridescent glaze. They were beautiful, but compared to my Godiva dreams, they looked like a bag of … hard, cold, little marbles.

Somehow, after a major meltdown, that Valentine’s Day was redeemed (no, I still didn’t get any Godiva chocolate that day), but what I remember about that day was how my expectation ruined the gift that WAS given to me in love.

When Expectation Crashes the Party


I’m sure my husband wasn’t expecting that reaction from me. He was probably picking out the M&Ms, imagining a look of delight and appreciation on my face, and getting a big hug and kiss.

What he got instead was Medusa. Oh, my god, I was so disappointed!

If I had had no expectations, no “should’s and should-nots” about my husband’s actions, I would not have been unhappy that day in the least! (People who have Mars with, or aspecting, the Moon are prone to this).

Ironically, I remember eating all those pretty M&Ms over the following weeks and enjoying every single one.

Appreciation vs Expectation


expectations vs appreciation on Valentine's DayI heard an expression that I really like: “Cultivating an attitude of appreciation rather than expectation is the secret to happiness.”

Decide that no matter what happens, or doesn’t happen, you will love yourself by being grateful for every bit of love that got you to this present moment in time.

Also, write down all the good things your guy’s ever done for you in the past; before long, you will be bursting with appreciation for him. Make an effort to appreciate every little thing he DOES do on Valentine’s Day, even if it doesn’t fulfill your romantic fantasies.

Fulfillment and the Timeless Feminine


Fulfillment comes through our feminine side (including men’s feminine side) because the feminine is not subject to time like our masculine side is.

The feminine is timeless; if you’ve ever experienced love in your life, even just a moment, your feminine side is already fulfilled.

It’s just a matter of “visiting” that feeling by remembering it and re-experiencing it or opening yourself to the divine feminine right now to experience it again. Isn’t that amazing?

The Freedom of Letting Go of Expectations


black and white graphic drawing of Medusa, a mythical woman with snakes for hair illustrating my reaction to not getting the Valentine's Day gift I expectedIf we are not attached to our ideas of the way our partners should behave and to our ideas of what Valentine’s Day should be like, we have the freedom to create happiness by being in the moment and appreciating everything instead.

That’s what I’m doing tomorrow. Unless he gets me jumper cables or a vacuum cleaner!

To find out how you may be sabotaging love (like I was above), get the Ready for Love Consultation.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to have a fulfilling and satisfying love life (or if you’d be much happier single), including remedies. We can look at past, present, and potential future relationships, too. Still only $159 (but not for much longer, I really hate to do it, but I need to raise my prices soon).


The Relationship Capacity ReportAn excellent and affordable way to know how open your heart is to love and what your love-blocking quirks are and how you can love yourself into a great relationship. The Female Relationship Capacity Report. Still only $14.95


The Relationship Capacity ReportDiscover his love-blocking quirks and decide if you are willing to pay the price to be with him (is he at least 51% worth it most of the time?) Is he a diamond, a diamond in the rough, or just the rough? The Male Relationship Capacity Report. Still only $14.95


graphic with text inviting you to buy astrological reportGet out your calendar and put a red heart on your Love Days for the rest of the year. If Valentine’s Day is not that great, there are plenty of other days for love! Still only $14.95
See All Your Love Days Report.


Relationship Compatibility ReportCheck your compatibility with your current love, a past or potential future lover! An unusual relationship report using the Vedic Compatibility technique used for thousands of years in India to insure long happy marriages.

Will your health be good being with him, or will you feel drained and get sick a lot? Will you feel secure in his love, or will you feel like he just isn’t that into you after a few years?

Will your day-to-day life with him flow easily or will you have to compromise on nearly everything?

Will you intuitively ‘get’ each other emotionally, or will you need to improve your communication skills and talk a lot more to make it work?

Will you feel a sense of meaning and purpose with him or wonder why you’re together?

Find out all of this and more with this amazing report, The Vedic Relationship Compatibility Report, also still only $14.95.

