You’ve likely read many things about the sign of Taurus over the years, but if you haven’t read the Vedic Astrology perspective, then you will learn secrets about Taurus you never heard before.
The season of Taurus is from April 21st until May 21st every year. The dates can be off by a day or two.
Taurus – Vrisha “bull” Sign
White, ruled by Venus, long, four-footed, night strong, southernly, village living, a merchant, earthy, Rajas and back-rising is the Bull.
– Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, 4 – Rasi Characteristics, 6-7
Planets in the Sign of Taurus
Neeshee and I talk about Taurus’s sign (in the VIDEOS below, parts 1 & 2), its qualities, and characteristics. The Taurus is the exaltation sign of the Moon (the best sign for the Moon). Mars and Jupiter don’t like being in Taurus’s sign, but there are no planets debilitated in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus.
Organs of the Body Ruled by Taurus
The body’s organs, such as the thyroid, thymus, parathyroid (Neeshee has some great Ayurveda recommendations for this), ruled by Taurus. Taurus also governs the mouth, tongue, teeth, salivary glands, tonsils, cheekbones, jaw, larynx, the seven cervical vertebrae, and upper portions of the esophagus and trachea.
Taurus rules the face and the senses, sight, hearing, and taste. Most Taurus people are foodies and enjoy the sensual aspects of life on earth. Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house in the birth chart, that which goes into the body and nourishes and sustains life – food.
Fixed Taurus Maintains the Spring Season
Aries begins the spring, but Taurus is the sign that maintains the spring. The modality of Taurus is fixed, which is exactly like it sounds (why do you think Taurus people can be so stubborn and resistant to change??) Fixed signs are stable and create security. Taurus, in particular, creates material stability.
The Element of Taurus is Earth
Taurus is of the earth element. The earth element is rationally based and arrives at conclusions through logic. Rationality is good sense, sound judgment, and reasonable actions. The earth signs are known for having abundant common sense. Taurus has the good sense to be aware of the limitations of the real world and so knows when to ration what is available.
In Horary astrology, the element indicates the height or level of things, represented by planets, contained in the sign. The Earth element represents things/objects that are on the ground level.
Neeshee gives information, along with recommendations, about this mixture of the elements and what Taurus is like when it is imbalanced.
Schedule your Yearly Birthday Consultation (also commonly referred to as a Varshaphala Reading) and find the THEME for your birthday year. Also, what the training periods will be and the pleasurable, carefree times of the year.
FIND OUT if this year will be one of the most significant years of your life.
Your birthday is your Personal New Year’s Day, and the day before is your Personal New Year’s Eve, a valuable time to form resolutions, goals, and affirmations.
If you get only one astrology reading a year, the Yearly Birthday Consultation is the one to get!
Taurus is Feminine & Gentle
The gender of Taurus is female and is a gentle sign. The feminine is receptive and responsive, rather than active and initiating. The ‘gentle’ female signs tend to keep their pain and misery to themselves rather than inflicting it on others.
Taurus does well and behaves well when it feels good about its self-worth and, therefore, finds itself in supportive circumstances. The gentle female signs are more about being than doing, and Taurus gives the highest capacity for pleasure.
The Caste of Taurus is Vaishya
The caste of Taurus (we’re referring to temperament not social hierarchy) is Vaishya, or the merchant, artist, agriculturist, or professional. The Vaishya caste always wants to improve and perfect their craft, no matter what that is. Artisans are people of the Vaishya caste, and they take pride in their work. Taurus enjoys and utilizes what it gains.
The 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses in the birth chart are the Artha (material gain and security) house and correlate to the goal of Vaishyas and the earth element.
The Guna of the Sign of Taurus
The guna of Taurus is Rajas. The three Gunas are Sattva, Tamas, and Rajas, and they are present in all things and beings. If you don’t know what the Gunas are, Google them and read more about the Rajas Guna to understand more about the sign of Taurus. Rajas motivates Taurus with the desire to own and to take care of what it owns.
Taurus is a Four-Footed Earth Sign

Taurus – 4-Footed Quadruped- Great Strength
Taurus can bear enormous burdens because the bull is four-footed. The consciousness of Taurus is rational, logical, and oriented towards the concrete (real) world, like all of the earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn too). The 10th house matters of work and command are most interesting to Taurus and is least interested in the 4th house concerns of emotion and psychology.
There are more qualities of Taurus that Neeshee and I talk about, and we go into a bit more detail on some of the things I’ve written here.
Taurus is Night-Strong and Back-Rising
Signs that are night-strong and back-rising are full of ideas but somewhat clumsy and slow in bringing their ideas into concrete realization. Night-strong signs have more energy at night and are energized by internal experiences such as thought, emotion, and contemplation.
Back-rising signs rise over the Eastern horizon with their backs first and take more time to bring their ideas into concrete reality. Taurus knows what it likes, but doesn’t have the skills to bring about that which it likes.
The Lord of Taurus is Venus
Taurus is the feminine expression of the planet Venus (Libra is the masculine). Because both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, there is a synergistic effect – what influences one, influences the other. If you have more than one planet ruled by Venus, either in Taurus or Libra, the matters of the houses ruled by these signs are important in your life.
White is the Color of Taurus
The color of Taurus is white. You can wear white on Fridays, Venus’ day, the planet that rules Taurus if you want to strengthen your Venus, and the house ruled by Taurus.
Taurus in Your Chart
Everything we talk about on Taurus in the videos below will be relevant every year during the season of Taurus. It is also applicable to you if you have any planets or your Ascendant in the sign of Taurus. Everyone has a Taurus-ruled house in their birth chart. The chances are excellent that planets are aspecting the house of Taurus as well.
If you are a Taurus Sun, Moon, Venus person, a Taurus Atmakaraka person (the Atmakaraka is your ‘essence’ planet), or you have any other planets in Taurus, this applies to you.
You may never have heard some of these descriptions of the sign of Taurus before!
Schedule your Yearly Birthday Consultation (also commonly referred to as a Varshaphala Reading) and find the THEME for your birthday year. Also, what the training periods will be and the pleasurable, carefree times of the year.
FIND OUT if this year will be one of the most significant years of your life.
Your birthday is your Personal New Year’s Day, and the day before is your Personal New Year’s Eve, a valuable time to form resolutions, goals, and affirmations.
If you get only one astrology reading a year, the Yearly Birthday Consultation is the one to get!
NOTE: If you want guidance for cleansing your body during this spring season, consult with Neeshee Pandit, Ayurveda practitioner, and astrologer at
Taurus Ascendant & the Nature of the House Lords
The Atmakaraka Planet in Relationships
VIDEO – The Sign of Taurus in Vedic Astrology_Part 1